During the 1920s, Sawtell was referred to as “the Manly of the North”. The story of Coffs Harbor, as broadcasted by Mr. P. J. McNamara from the Great White Train, included this statement:
With an ideal climate and an equitable temperature involving the absence of hot nights, it is an ideal resort for tourists, with is miles of golden sands. As a winter health resort, Coffs and the neighboring towns, with the beaches, are unsurpassed and destined to become famous owing to their evenness of temperature, which makes them splendid winter resorts for invalids and justly entitles Coffs to be called the – “Manly of the North.” Nowhere in N.S.W. are there more beautiful beaches than about Coffs.
Story of Coffs Harbor. (1926, September 15). Coffs Harbour Advocate (NSW : 1907 – 1942; 1946 – 1954), p.3.
But so was everywhere else, from Stockton to Byron Bay:
Eventually, the accolade was dropped as other promotional ideas such as the Pacific Beautizone took off with locally focused campaigns.
Coffs Harbour did take advantage of the tour of The Great White Train which stopped at Coffs Harbour in 1926. Its goal was to promote Australian-made goods, not just a lifestyle.